Marine Debris Publications

General Information

  • Marine Debris & Microplastics: Sources & Solutions for Coastal Virginia, Rivers & Coast – 2015 (pdf)
  • Fact Sheet: PHA Biodegradable Escape Panel for Crab, Lobster, and Fish Traps – (pdf)
  • Virginia Marine Debris Reduction Plan – 2014 (pdf)
  • Study on Abandoned and Discarded Blue Crab Traps, Report to the General Assembly  – 2011 (pdf)
  • Biodegradable Cull Panels Poster, 5th Annual Marine Debris Conference – 2011 (pdf)
  • Technical Proceedings, 5th Annual Marine Debris Conference – 2011 (pdf)
  • Derelict Crab Pots in the Chesapeake Bay, Rivers & Coast  – 2010 (pdf)
Scientific Products
  • Jeffrey, C.F.G., Havens, K.J., Slacum, Jr., H.W., Bilkovic, D.M., Zaveta, D., Scheld, A.M., Willard, S.,Evans, J.D. 2016. Assessing Ecological and Economic Effects of Derelict Fishing Gear: a Guiding Framework. Prepared for Marine Debris Program, Office of Response and Restoration, National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration. 31p. (link)

  • Scheld, A, D.M. Bilkovic, K. Havens. Jan 2016The Dilemma of Derelict Gear. Nature Scientific Reports 6:19671. (link)

  • Bilkovic, D.M. et al. Ecological and economic effects of derelict fishing gear in the Chesapeake Bay. 2015/2016 Final Assessment Report. Prepared for NOAA Office of Response and Restoration, Marine Debris Program. (link)

  • Bilkovic, D.M., K. Havens, D. Stanhope, K. Angstadt. 2014. Derelict fishing gear in Chesapeake Bay, Virginia: Spatial patterns and implications for marine fauna. Marine Pollution Bulletin 80:114-123. (link)

  • Bilkovic, D.M., K. Havens, D. Stanhope, K. Angstadt. 2012. Use of fully biodegradable panels to reduce derelict pot threats to marine fauna. Conservation Biology 26(6): 957–966. (link). This research was featured in Scientific American (link)

  • Havens K.J., D.M. Bilkovic, D. Stanhope, K. Angstadt. 2011. Fishery failure, unemployed commercial fishers, and lost blue crab pots: An unexpected success story.  Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 14, Issue 4, Pages 445-450. (link)

  • Havens K.J., D.M. Bilkovic, D. Stanhope, K. Angstadt, and C. Hershner. 2008. The effects of derelict blue crab traps on marine organisms in the Lower York River, Virginia. North American Journal of Fishery Management. 28(4):1194-1200. (pdf)

Contact [[v|havens, Kirk Havens]] or [[v|donnab, Donna Bilkovic]] to request publications.