Foiled again (updated!)

The plan called for an 0900 EDT departure today, however Mark discovered that somehow Fetch's internal computer turned on, again, and drained the battery. He thinks the computer may be turning on as a result of the pounding of the boat against the waves during transit to and from the field stations. Good thing he discovered it before we left the dock! The battery is now being charged and departure has been postponed to late morning.

In the meantime, we are tuning up Fetch3, who made her first public appearance during last evening's webinar. We hope to have her swimming today.

Fetch3 Mark with Fetch3

Stay tuned!


Update (14:10 EDT):

Inside workMark scrubbed the field work for the day in order to get Fetch3 up and running. So today we are keeping the sun screen and boat snacks on the shelf. Noelle is working with Eonfusion, a 4D software package which she is using for her dissertation work and the Conch Reef Expedition work. Sarina is doing ACT prep; and I just finished up fixing the underwater housing for the dissolved oxygen probe.

So while we're not out on the water doing AUV ops, we are keeping ourselves busy!